Kishwaukee Archers Affiliations

  • USA Archery is open to everyone involved in all disciplines of archery, including target, field and 3D. They sanction more than 350 events annually ad conduct indoor, outdoor and collegiate National Championships as well as the US Archery Team Qualifier Series.

  • Illinois Target Archery Association is dedicated to promoting and coordinating high quality target archery in Illinois and is the state affiliate of USA Archery.

  • National Field Archery Association promotes archery for all skill levels and offers programs and events in all disciplines including indoor & outdoor target, field, 3D, and bowhunting. NFAA conducts national championships and other tournaments and sanction state-championship level tournaments.

  • Archery Shooters Association aims to grow the sport of 3D archery and support local clubs. They organize local, state and national tournaments, and promote youth education and training.

  • Field Archery of Illinois promotes all styles of archery for Youth and Adults and conducts state and national tournaments.