Range Rules

LAST REVISION: October 05, 2018


For Range Rules Click Here

1. For insurance purposes, there shall be no hunting or firearms permitted on club property.

2. Any member in good standing may use the range facilities and may bring guests. The member is responsible for the conduct and welfare of the guests. There is a guest fee for each adult shooter of $10 per visit (indoor or outdoor). Members shall display membership ID while on club property.

3. Any dogs or other pets on the premises should be leashed or under the direct control of the owner. The owner is responsible for clean-up and proper disposal of waste matter. The owner assumes all liability and is responsible for restitution for any injury or damage caused by the animal.

4. Children are not allowed to play at any time on or around the targets, sand pits, or shooting stands on the practice range or shooting range.

5. Club activities shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes the disturbance of wildlife.

6. Fires are forbidden unless it is a designated workday or a club officer has given approval.

7. Cutting of trees and branches is allowed only by permission of one of the range captains. Cut wood is the property of Kishwaukee Archers.

8. Altering targets or any portion of the archery range without permission from one of the range captains is not allowed.

9. Containers are supplied for refuse. Leave the property cleaner than you found it. What you take into the woods, take out of the woods. This includes broken arrows, candy wrappers, and beverage containers.

10. Shooters and spectators shall stay on the trails at all times. Cutting across trails will be considered a safety hazard. NO BACKTRACKING.

11. Picnic grounds are available to club members and their guests only.

12. No alcoholic beverages allowed on any range.

13. All accidents (large or small) shall be reported to club officers or directors.

14. Take action or report unsafe and unsecure conditions or activities to club officers or directors.

15. Be mindful of suspicious persons or activities on club property. Report them to the club officers or local


16. All Ranges are closed during times of Club scheduled Work Details.


Kishwaukee Archers welcomes its members and guests to these facilities. The following SAFETY

REGULATIONS are in place for your protection and that of our club. Please read and abide by these rules.

1. Everyone must shoot from the same shooting line.

2. Always make sure that no one is downrange before nocking your arrow.

3. Sound the "all clear" before advancing to the target.

4. Keep tip of arrow at or below eye level when drawing. Sky drawing (drawing with arrow pointed above your head) is unacceptable.

5. Use caution when letting down.

6. Individuals under the age of 18 must be under the direct supervision of an adult at all times.

7. Be aware of others and use caution when pulling arrows from targets.

8. Shoot only the target in your lane.

9. No smoking in indoor range.

10. Shooting while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is expressly forbidden.



1. On the outdoor range, always proceed in a forward direction with increasing target numbers. NEVER walk back against the one-way flow of shooters.

2. If you must leave the shooting course for any reason, you MUST walk forward through to the end of the course getting permission from groups in front of you to pass ahead of them. Give the "all clear" to each as you pass out of target range. NO BACKTRACKING!

3. Always make sure that no one is downrange before nocking your arrow.

4. Sound the "all clear" after advancing out of target range to signal to the next group that it is safe to shoot.

5. Keep tip of arrow at or below eye level when drawing. Sky drawing (drawing with arrow pointed above your head) is unacceptable.

6. Use caution when letting down.

7. If an arrow is lost behind the target, always leave one member of the shooting party (preferred) or a bow directly in front of the target. Limit your search to the area directly behind the target. Never stray from this area because you may enter the shooting lane of an adjacent target. This includes the outdoor practice range.

8. Individuals under the age of 18 must be under the direct supervision of an adult at all times.

9. Be aware of others and use caution when pulling arrows from targets.

10. Shooting while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is expressly forbidden.



1. Children are not allowed to play at any time on or around the targets, sand pits, or shooting stands.

2. Any member in good standing may use the range facilities and may bring guests. The member is fully responsible for the conduct and welfare of guests. There is a guest fee for each adult shooter of $5 per visit (indoor or outdoor). Members shall display membership ID while on club property.

3. All Archers must shoot from the same shooting line.

4. Always make sure that no one is downrange before nocking your arrow.

5. Keep tip of arrow at or below eye level when drawing. Sky drawing (drawing with arrow pointed above your head) is unacceptable.

6. Use caution when letting down.

7. If an arrow is lost behind the target, always leave one member of the shooting party (preferred) or a bow directly in front of the target. Limit your search to the area directly behind the target. Never stray from this area because you may enter the shooting lane of an adjacent target. Be aware of the shooting line and make sure everyone knows you are behind targets!

8. Individuals under the age of 18 must be under the direct supervision of an adult at all times.

9. Be aware of others and use caution when pulling arrows from targets.

10. Broadheads in sand pits only.

11. Altering targets or any portion of the archery range without permission from one of the range captains is not allowed.

12. Containers are supplied for refuse. Leave the property cleaner than you found it. This includes broken arrows, candy wrappers, and beverage containers.

13. Any dogs or other pets on the premises should be leashed or under the direct control of the owner. The owner is responsible for clean-up and proper disposal of waste matter. The owner assumes all liability and is responsible for restitution for any injury or damage caused by the animal.

14. For insurance purposes, there shall be no hunting or firearms permitted on club property.

15. Shooting while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is expressly forbidden.


17. All Ranges are closed during times of Club scheduled Work Detail/Party.

Safety Regulations - Crossbow Rules

1. Crossbow use is restricted to members 18 and older or members’ family when properly supervised by an adult member

2. Crossbows can only be cocked and bolts loaded at the firing line and facing targets.

3. Members must provide own targets – no bolts in range targets

4. Broadheads may be shot into sand pits or member’s targets only

First rules violation = warning

Second violation = loss of club membership

Anyone in violation of these club rules will be subject to suspension or arrest (or both) depending upon the nature of the violation. Penalties will be set by the officers and directors. All persons using Kishwaukee Archer's property shall abide by the club by-laws and all of its contents.

Please have a safe and enjoyable shooting experience!

Your Rules Committee